February 26, 2012

Something to Share

Hasil ngalor ngidul bareng Zulkifli Wiki & Rachmat Syahputra siang-siang di studio COKLAT PHOTOGRAPHY

Gak ada konsep khusus buat sesi ini, semuanya bisa dibilang sedikit dadakan

Model & Wardrobe : Dwi Yolanda

February 12, 2012

Curly Blonde

Don't try to cry your way out of this 
Don't try to lie or I'll catch you in it 
Don't try to make me feel sorry for you 
Just because I'm blonde 
Don't think I'm dumb 
Cause this dumb blonde ain't nobody's fool 

Dumb Blonde - Dolly Parton

February 08, 2012

Level 4

Seperti pagi yang tiba ku buka hari.. 
Selalu tiada jera, tepati janji.. 
Sebiasa sungai yang setia, 
Menjawab semua muara 
Balas dekap hangat sesamudera.. 

Simple Love - Tangga